MarkTwo Consulting uses unique products which deliver through leadership development, coaching and talent management to get very significant results.

For instance: Mark coached the Director of Sales of an Information Technology SME helped the Sales Director grow the business 1200% in 3 years.

MarkTwo's programs can have a very significant effecto on an organisation's profit through increasing productivity by enhancing engagement. The CIO of National Foods, David Bough, noted:

Mark Oliver has been an inspiration to my team in helping them gain a greater understanding of themselves and how they impact the teams they lead. One of the outcomes has been the 250% increase in employee engagement

Example case studies:

Boosting Corporations' Value

The CEO of Sydney Ports Corporation had the complex challenge of selling off its Botany Bay operation. It was able to gain an extra $3Bn (extra 140%) helped by running MarkTwo Leadership and High Performance Team Programs throughout the organisation (according to the CEO Grant Gilfillan)

Read here how MarkTwo did it: Sydney Ports Corporation Case Study

Raising Educational Standards

When the Principal took over Bentleigh West Primary School it was in the bottom 25% of primary schools in the State of Victoria. Within 3 years he had led it to becoming the top school in its category throughout the State

Read here how MarkTwo helped him to do that: Bentleigh West Primary School Case Study

Long Term Impact

Many of our past participants tell us how MarkTwo programs have helped them for many years after they have completed them. For example; Philip Holliday (CEO of Port Authority New South Wales) emailed to say:

I truly appreciate the work you did with Port Authority NSW [10 years ago] and the personal insight and benefit to me has been significant

And Lance Ward (MD of Bunzl Outsourcing Services for 17 years) sent an email on his retirement, saying:

I want to thank you personally for your support and insights throughout my journey

Six categories of testimonials:

  1. Summary Feedback
  2. Leadership Development Feedback
  3. Talent Management Feedback
  4. Coaching and Mentoring Feedback
  5. UHM Personality Appraisal Feedback
  6. Leadership Book Feedback

Below is audio feedback on MarkTwo’s Leadership training from a NAB senior manager:

This feedback was left by an experienced NAB senior manager about how his team responded to MarkTwo’s leadership day (and to reschedule the follow up).

Below is an example of feedback on MarkTwo’s Public Leadership training:

You are obviously engaged and engaging - but [the video] still gives only a hint of the depth and fun of your workshops and coaching sessions. But viewers can safely take the video at face value - if they want engaged awareness and ways to build similar capability in their own environments, they'll find it with MarkTwo. (Good grief, I sound like an ad!) - Trischa Mann, General Editor, Oxford Australian Law Dictionary