MarkTwo helps organisations create their success through the 4P's: Performance, Productivity, Profit and Purpose.

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We build managers' self-awareness to improve their performance as leaders. This increases engagement of their teams which causes increased productivity. This helps the organisation move towards its purpose and increase its profits. Reinvestment in the process then reinforces the spiral which takes the leaders and the organisation to greater success.

MarkTwo designs and implements its assessment or developmental approach to enable clients' strategy to take the organisation from performance through productivity to profit in line with its purpose, using the 4P structured sequence. The key principles we clarify and make real for businesses are:

1) Authentic leadership is essential to managerial PERFORMANCE.

2) Staff engagement is key to high PRODUCTIVITY.

3) Holistic intelligent decision-making to maximise PROFITABLE PURPOSE (which means using the other 3 intelligences besides IQ).

This enables the organisation to have the resources to reinvest and spiral upwards to success.

Five specific ways we support our clients

1) Advanced Leadership Development and High Performing Teams (more info...)
MarkTwo helps businesses to create more competitive organizations with more committed workforces through unique and advanced leadership programs. One of our corporate clients reported up to 95% engagement levels of their employees after putting their leaders through a MarkTwo leadership program. MarkTwo recently helped one major international corporate increase its employee satisfaction by 13% and employee engagement by 12%, and in one Corporate’s Technology Department it helped to increase its engagement by 250% in 3 years and the department’s bottom line about 40%.

2) Specialised Executive Coaching and Organizational Effectiveness Consulting (more info...)
MarkTwo supports senior leaders via one-on-one engagements through executive coaching, and by providing expert consulting advice to make the wider organization’s systems and structure more effective. MarkTwo’s coaching can significantly improve your bottom line. During the time it has been coaching one sales director, the director has been able to triple gross sales in the first year and then double them in the second and third years.

3) Certificate IV in Management and Leadership (more info...)
MarkTwo provides affordable solutions to train supervisors and first-line managers in key practical leadership skills while providing them with a formal certificate to confirm their leadership growth. This enables organisations to have effective leadership at all levels and to so create a "culture of leadership". MarkTwo helped one organisation by putting 59 supervisors through its comprehensive Cert IV leadership and management program and this was shown to return a $500,000 net profit for it within 6 months - over and above the cost of the program.

4) Valid Talent Management Assessment, Selection and Career Development (more info...)
MarkTwo provides expert assessment of long term capability and motivation, to assist with small or large scale organizational changes and restructuring. MarkTwo helped one international corporation select 50 very high performers annually out of 3300 applicants using advanced interviewing and assessment centre techniques, getting the "best graduates we have ever had".

5) Revitalising Retreats (more info...)
The perfect blend of leisure and learning for people ready to self-direct their lives rather than hoping for the best, manage everyday stress and anxiety, better understand themselves and others, enhance motivation and concentration, develop deeper and more meaningful relationships whilst enjoying rest, relaxation, great food with breathtaking beauty.

Testimonial (read more...)

Your energy and enthusiasm is infectious. I must say that I found module A a very powerful experience and thoroughly enjoyable... In any case I thank you in particular so much for the fantastic time and... that you continue to provide this wonderful opportunity to others everywhere because you do have a gift that needs to be heard... The feedback I am getting from our lads is that a thoroughly rewarding experience has been had by all. Even the doubting Thomas’s have been impressed so well done you...Keep up the great work - Brett Heath, Marine Manager, Sydney Ports Corporation