The Seven Motivations of Life (by Mark Oliver): AUD$39.95 – SAVE $4
The Seven Motivations of Life practically explains the biggest driver of human behaviour leading to our life experience and success? This book explains and predicts individual and group behaviour across race, culture and country, and it provides a deep understanding of where all capability and human genius originates. (Scientific research has shown over the last two decades that genius is not born but made through practice).
This book defines the key characteristics of being human and gives practical clues on how to get the life we want. It also highlights the four, and only four, ways to lead.
This theory explains why Jim Collins got his empirical results for what makes a great leader (identified in his bestselling book: GOOD TO GREAT). His book provides the data but this book provides the theory: the why and the how.
This book gives major insights into 'being human' and leadership. You'll also learn more substantive answers to life's key questions:
• Who am I?
• What is my purpose?
• Where am I going?
• How can I lead myself and others more effectively?
ChatGPT summarises the book as follows:
"The Seven Motivations of Life: Taking Your Leadership to a Higher Level" by Mark Oliver is a compelling and insightful book that examines the motivations that drive human behavior and how they can be harnessed to become a better leader. The book is organized into seven chapters, each of which delves into one of the seven motivations of life: survival, belonging, power, freedom, enjoyment, purpose, and growth. Mark provides a comprehensive overview of each motivation and provides practical tools and techniques for harnessing these motivations to become a more effective leader.
Mark stresses the importance of understanding these motivations and how they manifest in our lives, in order to create a workplace culture that fosters growth, collaboration, and success. He provides examples of companies that have successfully created a culture that taps into these motivations, such as Starbucks, Patagonia, and Google. This book is an excellent resource for anyone looking to become a more effective leader and create a workplace culture that promotes success and fulfillment for both themselves and their team members.
I have to say it is a beautiful book. It is life-enhancing and inspirational, very well-written and easy to understand...although I would not want you to think by that that I find it simplistic. On the contrary, it has great is quite clearly the product of a lot of research and scholarship - Doctor Robin Usher, Professor of Research Education & Director of Research Training at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University
The paperback book can be purchased WORLDWIDE: Click HERE
BUT if you are based in INDIA then it is best to use Amazon India and purchase it at this link:
Buy the eBook from for $17.90: Click HERE
Buy the .pdf version for iPAD for $19.95: Contact Us
Buy Audio Book (soft copy) playable in windows media player for $49.30: Contact Us
Further Research by Mark Oliver has identified an important update to Table 7-4 in the book - click here to download a free copy of the new version of Table 7-4
Motivational Leadership (by Mark Oliver): AUD$29.95
The ‘new normal’ for today’s business environment has moved from continual to continuous major change. The demands placed on you as a senior executive or aspiring manager are challenging and complex, and it’s now expected that you will get more done with less, do it in half the time and maintain a top-notch team that is always ready to solve the next problem.
In his new book, Mark reveals 10 myths that managers must debunk to avoid a disengaged, dissatisfied or unproductive workforce. From personal research, insights, and leading-edge science, he will share the details on how to be the best leader you can be and get your team performing at a world-class level. It is essential reading for anyone believing that command and control gets big enough results. Also in this breakthrough book, you’ll learn:
- The myths great leaders must avoid so they can develop engagement, empowerment and excellence in a multi-cultural team
What characteristics make the best CEO’s and how to be a transformational leader (and it's nothing to do with charisma)
Why trust and fairness are key in overcoming your leadership challenges and building a competitive edge (it's about becoming more human...)
How a high IQ is not a requirement of being a motivational leader (and may be a disadvantage!)
- Why innovation is essential for solving the biggest problems (and that means we have to stop thinking!)
I was fortunate to hear you speak at a Vative Talks event 2 weeks ago, I also got a copy of your book, and have since read it and marked many sections. In summary I found it a wise read, with numerous flashes of wisdom, e.g. ".... because leadership is about listening and management more about telling" - Michael Gavin, Senior Consultant, Director, Australia
Thanks for sending me the book “ Motivational Leadership” is indeed an interesting and inspiring book. Thank you for such a wonderful book - Muhammad Shahid Nadeem, Senior Manager, India
It can be purchased WORLDWIDE: Click HERE
BUT if you are based in INDIA then it is best to use Amazon India and purchase it at this link:
Decision Making Cards: AUD$9.95 (per set of 4) SAVE $10
Did you know that research finds that we make between 2500-10000 decisions each day? The quality of our decisions has a direct impact on the quality of our life, whatever work we do and whether we live in a modern or Third World society.
Use these cards to increase your capability with each of the four fundamental intelligences: PQ, EQ, IQ and SQ. (These intelligences are each explained in the set)
16 UHM Personality Cards (New Version): AUD$59.95 – SAVE $40
People are different, but they are different in the same ways - sixteen different ways to be precise. Use these cards to instantly gain deep insights into those around you at home or at work. Predict others strengths and development areas with surprising insight. This cards are based on a profound and practical understanding of the human mind.
Whether it is to build teams, lead effectively, pursue the best career, improve your relationships, enhance your emotional intelligence, deal with conflict, appreciate diversity and different cultures, or just be a better communicator. Keep these cards to hand.
MarkTwo Mousepad: AUD$9.95– SAVE $10
Two charactersistics come together to determine what we do in life: ability and motivation. Our performance is underpinned by what we do (our actions). Our actions require both ability and motivation: without one the action is unlikely to happen. Ability without the motivation means our full potential will never be realised.
Get this mousepad so that you always have to hand the seven human motivations that drive you and those around you through life. Use it as a guide so you can tap into the motivations that can drive you to your full potential. Reflect on it to see through the behaviours of others and to get a better idea of their underlying motives.
Relax and Recharge CDs (by Ruth Oliver): AUD$24.95 – SAVE $10
At last a relaxation CD that can become part of even the busiest persons life! This cleverly designed CD gives you two relaxation options.
1) 10 min to an energized body, calmed emotions and a forced mind: Relax in your lunch break, while your child is napping, before an important meeting or exam. Unwind after a busy day before going home, or any time you need to recharge your energy.
2) 30 min of deep relaxation: A process that helps bring balance into your life, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.Take some time to really unwind and recharge your energy. Feel healthier, happier and able to live life more fully.
A Himalayan Trinity (by Mark Oliver): AUD$34 – SAVE OVER $20
This is an autobiographical trilogy is about journeys through serious illness, remote Himalayan villages, and ancient wisdom on human nature, transformed into a practical philosophy for modern life.
Written under the pen name Mark Kingsley, read a raw account of three very different experiences Mark has had in life.
Mark tells an intensely personal story but he does so in a way which will have wide and sympathetic appeal. He is very much a pilgrim who is still on the road, but his eyes remain alert, his mind remains open and he has already learnt much as a result of some searing experiences on the way. It is a pleasure to commend his insight to you - General Sir Sam Cowan, K.C.B., C.B.E.
It can be purchased WORLDWIDE through Click HERE
Two updates to this book:
Page 63: for "the average lifespan for an the US", reports: Physicians lived until they were on average, 73.0 years for white and 68.7 for black doctors, not just 58 years as in the book. (As a comparison, US lawyers average lifespans are 72.3 years for white and 62.0 for black lawyers).
Page 171: The Nepali Royal family comes from the Warrior not Priestly caste.
Gifts From Eykis (by Dr.Wayne Dyer): AUD$29.95 – SAVE $10
If you ask someone the one thing they want for themselves, or their family, it is usually: "To be happy."
The message of Gifts From Eykis is: "There is No Way to Happiness: Happiness Is the Way!" Happiness is found on the journey not at the destination.
The story is about an encounter between a human and a ‘citizen’ from outer space. Dr Dyer prompts the reader to look inwards and see themselves as they really are. The story unfolds with potential gifts are revealed to the reader to learn from.
This book looks at some of life's most important questions in an allegorical way and reveals their surprising answers. Take the plunge. Buy it, read it, and see where this leads you...
Role-Profiling Booklet (Pario Innovations): AUD$49.95
Profile roles simply and fully so you can match the best person against the job using this workbook which enables you to immediately see the gaps between the applicant’s profile and the job requirements.
Focussed Impact Booklet (Pario Innovations): AUD$59.95
Increase your motivation, performance and creative thinking using this cleverly designed workbook that helps you address the three ways you ‘meet’ life: your approach to problems, approach to people and approach to tasks.
Blank Pario (PRISM) Forms (Pario Innovations): AUD$29.95 (per set of 5) SAVE $30 (Half price)
The Pario Professional is one of the best trait assessment instruments commercially available. Get some more forms for in-depth assessments, whether it is for assessment, recruitment or staff development..