A wise man once said that you cannot ignore self-delusion. It is easy to believe that experts can give us all the answers but the problem is that that experts do not know what they do not know. At the end of the day there is only one person responsible for your life and you are the main factor in your success.
Your success in life is linked to both your ability and motivation. If you can do something but do not want to do it then you are unlikely to do what is necessary to perform, and vice versa. It takes both ability and motivation to succeed but, perhaps surprisingly, motivation is more important because without it your ability is largely irrelevant.
1) Find deep insights to the most important questions in your life, such as “Who are you?” (read an inflight review...)
2) Understand others at a deeper level so you can relate better to them (read the foreword by the CEO of Port Authority of New South Wales...)
3) Get the insights to help you on your journey through life (read a human resources review...)
Book Reviews (read more...)
This book is absolute gold, it is ground-breaking in the way it integrates leadership as well as the usually ignored spiritual dimension. Mark has developed a model that is both all-encompassing and revolutionary. It deserves to be recognized globally. I wholeheartedly recommend this book - Josh Rubens, Cloud Solutions Group Director