A Himalayan Trinity

Mark's concerns are holistic; humans are physical, emotional, mental and spiritual creatures, all of which aspects need to be held in balance. As he speaks of his cancer and its treatment, he reflects on a range of alternative and complementary approaches. He looks at health comprehensively; whether about food, diet, meditation or a range of therapies, and how they helped, or did not help him.

Review in the CAMBRIDGE (University Magazine):

Mark Kingsley's Himalayan Trinity contains a wealth of information and experience ... There are some splendid nuggets for reflecting on, treasures from the writing of others, as well as original gems  provide helpful food for thought. Perhaps coincidence is just God's way of performing miracles anonymously? Writing with compassion and humor, Mark Kingsley offers in the pages of this book reflections on his life and experiences which can become for its readers a vehicle to take them on their own journey.

The book ... is conceived as a trilogy about the mountains Mark Kingsley has climbed in his life, three journeys which together comprise the one journey we all make, called life. It attempts to deal with the major questions facing human beings: 'who am I?'; 'what is my purpose?’ and 'where do I go when my life is finished?' ... There is evidence of a great deal of wisdom in the pages of this book, gleaned from a lifetime of impressively wide reading, applied to and enhanced by his own life experiences.

 General Sir Sam Cowan observations in his foreword to the book:

Mark's extraordinarily wide-ranging thoughts and ideas on a whole host of subjects reveal not only an amazingly versatile mind and very wide reading but also an ability to bring disparate thoughts together in a way which sheds new light on some extremely difficult issues.

Book Extract
Book I - Emotional Room
Book II - Physical Room
Book III - Spiritual Room
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Mark's Trek Through The Himalayas


A view from an old part of 
Machhapuchhare (the -
"Fishtail" Mountain).

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A view of an older part of
Kathmandu Pashupatinath


My bus with several vacancies
to fill - still.


A minibus doing its
the impression of a double-
decker bus in Dharan.


Nadur below the sign that
says it all.


The trek starts with one small
step fo Mark.


Gopilal Limbu with his kukri
-Gurkha fighting knife


Two young boys strike an
elderly pose as I pass by.


One house in the hills.

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A bridge too near - Ratna 
leads the way.


Two shy spectators watch
the main attraction.


Ananda's splendid house on a slope in Phakchuwa village.


Ratna looks to see who is
going to pay the ferrymen.


A high street in Phidim.

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My porters pass some sherpa huts, possibly-probably miles
from anywhere.


Three shocked children have their play interrupted.


A young boy confuses me,
as he watches.


Nadur and Ratna reckon it
is a great day to peel potatoes.


Poorly paid women manually 
sorting out tea leaves.

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The many smiling faces of 
Nepalese school children.