MarkTwo runs both public and professional accreditation courses on its model - the Universal Hierarchy of Motivation. This model is a profound psychological instrument and is both 3-dimensional and holographic in its understanding of the human mind. Mark Oliver also presents keynote addresses on request.
Understanding Human Personality Program - Public Course (2 days)
This course increased my self-awareness ten-fold. Not only the materials and activities within the course but also the conversation between members in breaks was insightful. We all shared experiences and feelings about ourselves so we could help each other with self-discovery. I don't think I would normally be willing to share so much or feel so connected to strangers if we weren't on a similar journey - Joanne Capp, National Key Account Manager, Bunzl Outsourcing Services
Marks coaching, and application of UHM continues to be the best I've experienced - Carole Ashford, Enterprise Change Management Leader
Just a quick note to thank you for running such a great couple of days. I really enjoyed it and found it helpful and thought provoking. Certainly one of the better courses I have done over the years and I felt it gave me a better understanding of myself and others. It was particularly worthwhile because it also left me with practical ways in which I can better communicate and deal with others whether that be staff, clients or indeed my own children - Mark Gibbs, Principal Consultant, Godfrey Pembroke Limited
Mark, your class was eye opening and educational. I felt that because of your energy, patience and method of teaching, I came away having opened a new window of insight into myself and my colleagues. Thank you for a great class - Roni Dattani P.Eng, M.A.Sc., Manager, US Clinical Manufacturing & Op-Ex at the BMFl, CSL Behring
I thank you sincerely for the opportunity to attend the two day Personality Training workshop. I now have a much deeper understanding of my motivation and beliefs (and those of others) and better understand why I feel so ‘disillusioned’ with my environment at the moment. The workshop has also helped me understand that my strong desire to take control of my destiny is not necessarily ‘irrational’ behaviour afterall! My sincere thanks to you for presenting me this invaluable opportunity; it was also a joy to meet so many open and delightful people! I think it is spot on - Karen Cordell, Manager MERIT Program, Faculty of Engineering, Monash University
I highly recommend this course, and in particular to the very people that may possibly discount it! They are the people who will gain the greatest insights into themselves and their stakeholders. It is an ironic fact that these people often control the training budget in organisations - Paul Missen, Director, Consulting
This program was a profound and illuminating experience that challenged assumptions I'd held all my life. I always paid lip service to the idea that people people think differently - but understanding how and why that works will end a lot of mis-communication and make aspects of my life significantly easier and richer - Ben Hickey
Many thanks for inviting me to this personality training Mark, I very much enjoyed the two days and recognise additional opportunities for me to grow, both at work and at home. Very enjoyable and thought provoking. - Craig McNamara, General Manager HSEQ, Programmed Property Services
In one word I would call the workshop: powerful...also say enlightening, energising, thought provoking, fun and challenging. Really enjoyed it - Chris Balazs, Senior Manager Quality Control, CSL Behring
From the moment you start, Mark and his team start you on a journey of self-discovery. The program equips you with knowledge, models and ideas in a fun, intense and emotionally safe learning environment.
You cannot be exposed to this program and not be a better version of yourself by the end of it - Kim Mills, Warehouse Supervisor PM Shift, Bunzl AustraliaI thoroughly enjoyed the course - Daniela Ghioghiu, Human Resources Manager, Bunzl Outsourcing Services
Much more of the world now makes sense to me as I know that people have attributes of their personality they preferably sway towards. It now makes sense to me why some people prefer to act with mercy rather than justice, are energized by social activity rather than drained, and want control rather than to let things unfold... What I used to see as flaws in my own self and others I now know to be only natural parts of their mind which are to be respected and seen in a positive light - Jim Farrands, University of Melbourne
All very good... I learnt more in the 2 day [MarkTwo Personality Training] course than I have learnt in 10 years or more - David Croft, Business Improvement Manager, Table Games, Crown Melbourne
Past clashes and points of tension now make sense. I know now I don’t see what others see and understand, just as they don’t see what I see and understand - a huge insight! It is invaluable - Robyn Blake, Journalist
The course was much more enjoyable than expected. Well done - Anthony Lenehan, Project Manager, Dematic
I did indeed find the course content to be very useful and insightful, and the delivery was outstanding!! - Richard Day, Technology Consultant
I found [the course] both interesting and informative...This new information has reassured me about my strengths and has given me more focus towards pursuing my career. I would highly recommend the Typology Training as I found the course to be excellent value and a truly positive experience! - Richard Milne, Fitness Consultant
Thanks again for the opportunity to do your course. I really enjoyed it. Overall excellent. Thank you Mark - Lisa Ceruto, Director and Principal, Cyber Office Team
I completed the MarkTwo Personality Training and went into it knowing absolutely nothing, but I left having a much better insight into how I work and more importantly how the people different from me work. I understand my strengths a lot better and more importantly know how to combat my weaker components. Would highly recommend!! - Georgia Albert, Psychology Undergraduate, Monash University
Thank you very much for the opportunity to complete [MarkTwo's] personality training. It was a very enlightening experience - Nathan Barry, Graduate, Monash University
Thank you Mark for being an extraordinary leader. Your facilitation over the week in itself provided a stunning example, case study and role model of what great leadership is all about. What an incredible and useful way to spend a week of my life. I have been reflecting on the great personal insights from the UHM conversation and I hope that any comments I make will do justice to what was one of the most insightful and professionally delivered courses I have undertaken. A week on, and I continue to gain insights as I become "The observer" of my own values, motivations and leadership. The UHM model works Mark. I congratulate you on your hunger for excellence, the results of which are evident in who you are and everything you do. ... As an educator myself, I recognise your ability to use a variety of learning styles to ensure all participants are catered for. The use of activities, video and Youtube clips were relevant, entertaining and engaging to say the least. Mix this with the carefully chosen stories and examples which come from years of research, reading and a passion for leadership and of course we are stimulated to think deeply and motivated to ask better questions... - Barbara Hudson, Adult Education Trainer, William Angliss Institute
I love your course... I really like your model - it's excellent - Sunita Kadambi, Department of Human Services
I'd like to express my sincere appreciation for the insights, training and learning my team and I experienced during the recent MarkTwo course. At key moments during our working days we now find ourselves referring to our understanding of our preferred thinking, acting and communicating styles, and find it easy (and amusing) to relate these to the mini workshops you presented. This new knowledge will be a key component of our future development as senior leaders.
You are a gifted presenter and I would personally like to compliment you on your enthusiasm, high energy and clarity in presenting what are difficult topics, which made the whole experience enjoyable and engaging, while keeping us focused on the importance of the subject matter - Tim Hughes, Senior Director Biotech Manufacturing, CSL Behring Biotherapies for Life™In a broken world, there are many tools that measure what is wrong with us, but few that tell us what is right. The UHM model is one of them. It connects with who we fundamentally are and the possibilities we will gain from using it in our environments are endless. The way in which the workshop is presented, enables people to connect to a deeper understanding and acceptance of themselves and gives them something to stretch for; something larger than themselves. If all our employees could realise this understanding about themselves and all our leaders could be taught to harness that potential, I question how businesses will keep themselves from being efficient and profitable. A big thank you to the MarkTwo Consulting team for a very professionally presented workshop, which I highly recommend to anybody who is interested in growing their relationships at home or work - Tania Potgieter, Consultant
Solidified my outlook on life whist providing key insights to people surrounding me. Thank you Mark and Jag - Jake Balfour
I thoroughly enjoyed this process and was very impressed by Mark's passion and knowledge. Thanks Mark for giving so much of yourself and sharing this wonderful gift with us. I've been talking about how valuable this approach is in helping people to become more self aware and understanding people around us - somehow knowing our own motivations and drivers also help us accept other people's behaviors. So much to learn on this journey that is life - Pragati Bhatia
Universal Hierarchy of Motivation Professional Coaching Accreditation (4 days)
The UHM accreditation course was an incredible learning experience – I was stretched intellectually in a completely different way from other learning courses, and the opportunity to put new learning into action so quickly with new colleagues was lots of fun. The UHM model is integrative and insightful, and I believe it’s breaking new ground in understanding human behaviour and leadership. Mark is an inspiration as a facilitator – truly gifted ..., and “tipped so much into our subconscious”, has opened my mind to a myriad of possibilities - Kathryn Vati, People Development Manager, of the Australian law firm Corrs Chambers Westgarth
The UHM [the Universal Hierarchy of Motivation] is a profound, compelling and accurate tool. Completed in 2010, the UHM is continuing to have a significant impact on my personal and professional life. In the 12 months since completing the UHM accreditation course, I have continued to revisit Mark’s book and my UHM report. I have become very focused on implementing the specific actions that Mark suggested during the feedback process, and making these changes has been a revelation for me. It has freed up energy and space in my life in a way that was entirely unexpected. I am immensely grateful to Mark for the great care and attention he has given to developing this exciting tool - Marissa Dosen, Principal, You at Work
The UHM accreditation allowed me not only to deepen my understanding of the MBTI, Enneagram and [Twelve] Archetypes, but I also gained an appreciation of the depth underpinning the UHM model. While it seems very simple it is built upon by a wealth of research and science. It is a simple instrument the far side of complexity! - Jenni De Keyzer, Operations Manager, Telstra
[The UHM professional accreditation] was a great three days... very insightful and rewarding - John Webb, Senior Technology Manager, Telstra
I was impressed with the degree of integration that the UHM provides to enable a deep understanding of human intention and behaviour. The feedback that the instrument enables will allow individuals to gain deep insights into themselves if they are open to that experience. Mark's passion, clarity and integrity were an inspiration to me and the work I do - Gabrielle Ostrognay, Ph.D Psychology
Excellent balance between theory and practice. Paced pair exercises days 2-4 were terrific and full feedback day 5 was fabulous! Great to see you walking the talk so diligently - Shane Garrett, Principal, Garrett Learning & Development
The UHM provides insights into authentic leadership as well as indicating development opportunities for individuals. Personally, I found the course and feedback insightful, validating and with specific growth actions. I would recommend this course to anyone who is interested in developing more of their full potential - Leigh Coutie, CEO, Logic Engineering
The UHM is an intelligently framed, interconnected model of higher and lower human motivations. It is a useful tool for anyone interested in understanding motivation (their own or other people’s). Mark is a gifted presenter and coach who makes light work of any seminar, but he is particularly passionate about techniques for improving understanding of human motivation. If you have a chance to work with him or use the UHM model with your people, take it - Trischa Mann, Principal Consultant, Contrarium
Great materials, lots of exercises, opportunity to practise and feedback. Thanks, glad I got on board! - Julie Coyne, Director, Consulting
Mark I wanted to come back to you in terms of the recent UHM accreditation program that I attended. I found it a great program both personally and professionally. It provided me with a great level of insight into my own approach and capabilities. I can also see how the instrument will add real value to future clients - Ian Paterson, Director, Paterson and Paterson Consulting
I was immediately able to improve my consulting in people and organisational development. More importantly, I have been able to apply the UHM to my parenting and personal life, with amazing results - Helen Canny, Director, Canny Alternatives