Boost your leadership intelligence over 2 days

Register Me Now!

When: Tue 22-Wed 23 April 2025 (then a complimentary 4-hour virtual leadership reinforcement Zoom session at 1.00pm AEST Tue 6 May)
Where: Bryn Teg Room, Heidelberg Golf Club, 8 Main Road, Lower Plenty, Victoria 3093 (Tel: (03) 9433-5304)
How much: 4493 Australian dollars (exc GST) and this course is fully tax deductible (check with your accountant)
Earlybird: Only 3487 Australian dollars (exc GST) if paid by Sat 22 Mar 2025 (save over A$1000)
Extra Bonus: Save over A$1500 with the complimentary resources listed below. (Also attend a subsequent webinar worth an additional $3897, for free)
Join as Platinum
Include an in-depth one-on-one professional mentoring feedback by adding only A$999 (saving another A$300 and contact us to add this extra)
Special rate of 1998 Australian dollars (exc GST) for full-time students or past participants of this program (if sign up by the early bird date)

Are leaders born or bred?

Learn how to lead people across different cultures, ethnicities and locations in a way that increases engagement and boosts productivity. Lead hybrid teams effectively whether they are in the office or remote.

Are you not sure your team is engaged enough, and instead want your team more motivated and productive so that your organisation can be that much more successful?

Key Competencies

Gain essential skills in the key leadership competencies necessary to create high-performing teams:

  • Motivational Leadership
  • Coaching (and effective feedback)
  • Decision-Making (and increasing all 4 of your intelligences)
  • Teamwork (and engaging staff)
  • Performance Management (and task assignment)

So the question is: why not give your managers possibly the best leadership development around?

Some previous participants have also attended either the Harvard Business School 5-day Global Leadership program or the top European Business School (Cranfield)'s 5-day International Energy Program. They said afterwards that they “learnt much more about leadership” in the 2-days of this MarkTwo program than in 5 days on the business school programs, and commented it was more cost-effective too.


Why would you join us?

Gain the "altitude of a leader" with a deep and pragmatic understanding of leadership, and how it differs from management. Expand your self-awareness and have greater "other-awareness" to realise your full leadership potential, opening up your horizons on leadership.

Now you can experience our Motivational Leadership training program as part of a public program led by Mark Oliver, Author of ‘Motivational Leadership’. This program will give you practical tools to immediately improve your leadership intelligence and inspire better performance in your organisations.

71% of employees are looking for leadership from their organisation on employee-driven and industry issues (as well as political events). The overall situation has become much harder for managers. This program gives the key leadership development necessary for managers to:

  • Bust the IQ myth - overcoming the myth that IQ determines success and instead showing there are 3 other key intelligences, each more relevant for different management levels and industries. IQ is oppositely correlated to leadership which is one reason 40% of executive hires fail within 18 months
  • Develop a profound leadership awareness - research shows that 46% of employees around the world are planning to leave their employer. Up to 70% of those leaving, choose to do so because of their dissatisfaction with their manager. These are the ones who have options because they are talented and so they are most important to keep
  • Learn the necessary management to lead hybrid teams - feedback confirms that 72% of staff want flexible remote work options such as hybrid working, but this is the most difficult structure to lead teams well
  • Boost your coaching skills - research shows that employees who report to managers who are good coaches are 40% more engaged and demonstrate 38% more discretionary effort at work
  • Gain the deep insights to lead diverse teams - experience supports that diverse groups of employees increase innovation output by 20% when led well
  • Increase your EQ to create engaged teams - highly engaged business units and teams have 81% less absenteeism, 18% higher productivity and up to twice the profitability
  • Manage your organisational talent - companies who managed their talent well, on average, earned a 22% higher return to shareholders than their industry peers
  • Deal with workplace conflict - addressing conflict is one of the most important issues raised by employees going back to the office
  • Discover the 3 levels of complexity so yuo make better decisions - thinking helps us with one level but not the others. An important first step is knowing you cannot think up an idea because thinking takes you to the wrong part of the mind to do this, and does not do strategy well!
  • Raise your staff’s well-being - 50% of employees report they are struggling with, or even suffering mental ill-health at work, with 25% of top global CEOs reporting that they suffer from some type of mental illness
  • Stop sub-conscious bias degrading your leadership - and not by using “unconscious bias" training which has been shown to actually increase bias!

Included in the price of the program is a 4-hour Leadership Enhancement webinar about a fortnight later to reinforce, revise and coach participants and answer their questions so they can effectively put these lessons into practice. This session will be recorded and sent to all participants.

Upgrade Your Development

You can also upgrade participation to an Executive Participant to benefit from a one-on-one personalised developmental feedback session which identifies critical leadership strengths, development areas, blindspots and key attributes.

Who is it for?

Managers or leaders from Directors/CXO level down to Supervisor, or employees identified for future leadership positions. (If you have done Module 1 (Motivational Leadership Introductory Program) and wishes to do Module 2 (Motivational Leadership Performance Program) then contact us and we can advise suitability)

Numbers are strictly limited

This workshop is NOT for:

  • Staff with no current or future desire, for leadership responsibility
  • Managers not wishing to learn more ways to engage their staff, increase productivity and build high performance teams
Save over $1500 if paid by Sat 22 Mar 2025

get the exclusive early bird offer 3487 dollars (exc GST)

Call us at 1300  602 933. Leave a  detailed message if we are not there with your full name, phone and  email, and we will return your call asap and answer any questions

What is included?

  • Access to the lead facilitator for questions in the evenings
  • Complimentary 4-hour Leadership reinforcement webinar to revise, extend and coach participants - valued at A$3897
  • One-on-one mentoring session with accredited MarkTwo coach - valued at A$997 (platinum participants only)
  • Participant manual and materials (including A5 aide-memoire) - valued at A$195
  • 24/7 access to course members page - valued at A$97
  • 3-dimensional personality report validated neuroscientifically - valued at A$164
  • Copy of the book: "MOTIVATIONAL LEADERSHIP - 10 Myths Managers Must Debunk" - valued at A$30
  • UHM Mousepad - valued at $20
  • Ongoing membership to MarkTwo Consulting on-line resource site
  • All meals, tea/coffees and soft drinks at the venue (accommodation not included)
  • Group giveaways and prizes
Click Here To View Cancellation or Refund Policy

(Minimum age for this program is 17 years)

Please feel free to send this information to your colleagues and friends who may benefit from this program.

Testimonial ( read more...)

 VIDEO TESTIMONIAL-Simon Doggett, CEO, KW Doggett
Following a number of [interactions] with Mark, I was keen for my top team to learn some of the leadership concepts we had been working through. The two day program with Mark was superb, with extremely positive feedback from the whole team 

- Tim Moore-Barton, Chief Executive Officer, Betfair  

Everyone [all executive/ senior managers participated] thought it was fantastic... the two days. The role playing with the actors, blew me away, it was so valuable… from a person who is a not a huge role play fan! It was great. They were so powerful. It was really good – Mark certainly knows his stuff, and is engaging… Mark was fantastic. The CEO wants to look at having Mark work with them in the business on a regular basis

- Dale Lee, Human Resources Director, McCormick Foods Australia

Best facilitation I have experienced [having done very many corporate courses] and focus is on deeper fundamentals than just tools

- Aaron Duhig, Service Assurance Product Owner, Corporate Technology Services ITSM, ANZ

A big thanks for a tremendous and insightful two days

- Carli Clark, Sales Manager, Bekaert Deslee

Would love more time, so much covered in a short period of time... More of it. Absolutely loved it

- Sheena Downey, Consultant

I really enjoyed the programme and I found it hugely beneficial

- Brody Sewell, WA Regional Manager, Coventry Group

I appreciate your time and knowledge to give us a fantastic learning experience

- Jacqueline Miao, Group Financial Controller, Vative

Thank you so very much for a fantastic learning experience. I have attended many personal development events and a few leadership courses over the years and I would have to say this workshop will be one of my personal development highlights

- Yvette Blanchard, Programme Manager, Telstra

Register Me Now!

When: Tue 22-Wed 23 April 2025 (then a complimentary 4-hour virtual leadership reinforcement Zoom session at 1.00pm AEST  Tue 6 May)
Where: Bryn Teg Room, Heidelberg Golf Club, 8 Main Road, Lower Plenty, Victoria 3093 (Tel: (03) 9433-5304)
How much: 4493 Australian dollars (exc GST) and this course is fully tax deductible (check with your accountant)
Earlybird: Only 3487 Australian dollars (exc GST) if paid by Sat 22 Mar 2025 (save over A$1000)
Extra Bonus: Save over A$1500 with the complimentary resources listed below. (Also attend a subsequent webinar worth additional $3897, for free)
Join as Platinum
Include an in-depth one-on-one professional mentoring feedback by adding only A$999 (saving over A$300 and contact us to add this extra)
Special rate of 1998 Australian dollars (exc GST) for full-time students and past participants (if sign up by the early bird date and does not include UHM Professional feedback)