Video Blog 1: Three Common Hiring Mistakes

Hiring the right people can be very hard and learn three key ways to avoid making hiring mistakes (duration 3 mins)

Video Blog 2: Turning Average Performers Into High Performers

Creating a coaching culture and understanding how mentoring is different (duration 2 mins)

Video Blog 3: Three Reasons People Resist Change

Change is inevitable and how can we help our people buy into change (duration 1.5 mins)

Video Blog 4: How to Give Good Feedback

Getting feedback to make a positive difference (duration 2 mins)

Video Blog 5: Two Key Things To Remember When Handling Conflict

Handling conflict is a very challenging subject and hear how Mark sums it up (duration 3 mins)

Video Blog 6: Warning Signals Of Psychopaths

Wondering whether you have to deal with a psychopath? Hear Mark talk about the markers (duration 1.5 mins)

Video Blog 7: How Can You Find Your Purpose In Life

Tackling the important question of finding your “purpose in life” (duration 2.5 mins)