PTSD has affected many soldiers through history, and there was the stigma that it was about soldiers being "weak minded" as many fled the battlefield.

In fact, 306 British soldiers were executed for cowardice in World War 1 - soldiers were thought to be on a scale of brave to cowardly.

But some of those executed already had medals for Valour; like the one young junior officer who had the Military Cross for showing incredible bravery one day, but then he ran away days later.

We now know a better metaphor is we all have a reservoir of courage, which drains during anxious times. Some larger or smaller but put anyone in a stressful situation for long enough, they will flee (physically or mentally).

It applies in civilian life too.

The direct cost to the Australian economy of mental illness was $180Bn per year in 2019 and CEOs are depressed at more than double the rate (Barnard, 2014). Research indicates that up to 25% of top global CEOs suffer some form of mental illness.

Are some of your senior managers not performing? Perhaps they are too stressed?

Coaching can help (with ROI studies showing returns of about 6 times the financial outlay). Contact me for ways you can help get your senior managers back to top performance.