Everyone is naturally high in one or two of the following intelligences and naturally low in one or two.

But all are developable if approached in the right way, and MarkTwo has the tools and works with clients to help them to develop them in individuals and organisations.

Also, by considering the four types of intelligences when assessing talent, MarkTwo provides a far more comprehensive approach in selecting the right person for the role than those who only consider IQ and EQ aspects.

4 Intelligences you must be aware of for Talent Management

1) Physical or Practical Intelligence (PQ) This is linked to Tactical decision-making and is about our attention and preference to scrutinise.

2) Emotional Intelligence (EQ) This is linked to Relationship decisions and is about feelings and preference to sympathise.

3) IQ This is linked to Operational decision-making and is about facts and preference to analyse.

4) Spiritual or Strategic Intelligence (SQ) This is linked to Strategic decision-making and is about our intention and preference to strategies.

Which two are your highest intelligences?

So what problems are likely to be caused by your two lower intelligences?