A major factor in answering this question is how stable the organisation is. The higher the rate of change in your organisation or industry then the more complex it usually is to get the right people in the right place at the right time.

This often means getting the most capable people now! But motivation is important. If someone has the capability but not the motivation required to perform, then the necessary behaviour is very unlikely to arise, and they will not perform. Similarly, if someone has the motivation but not the capability. You need both motivation and capability for performance.

That’s why a good model on human motivation is necessary because it helps you to understand people’s motivations, and motivations underlie behaviours and resulting performance. The Universal Hierarchy of Motivation (UHM) provides the basis for a comprehensive understanding of human motivation so that you can accurately understand likely team member motivations and hence behaviours.

To find out more go to: https://www.marktwoconsulting.com/personality-profiling

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