Executive and Life Coaching

[MarkTwo's executive coaching] is one of the best things that has happened in my life - David Croft, Business Improvement Manager, Table Games, Crown Melbourne

Marks coaching, and application of UHM continues to be the best I've experienced - Carole Ashford, Enterprise Change Management Leader

I find these sessions very rewarding & constructive. I honestly look forward to them, and feel as though I have made significant progress already in a short time period - Anthony Millican, Head of Customer Marketing, Betfair

I don’t believe that I can ever truly thank you and your team for what you have done. I am firm in my belief that you have collectively provided coachee X with far more than the service I paid for. This is remarkable and demonstrates the integrity and passion you have Mark. Your program has had a profound effect on my career and I am sure will have a marked impact on the path coachee X follows from here - Jason Ferreira, Head of Category Management, Bunzl Australia & New Zealand

I would like to sincerely thank you for the sessions this year and I can say with hand on heart it has been a life changing experience, both professionally and personally - Brendan Wiseman, Manager, Marine Operations, Port Botany

Hi Mark, thanks a lot [for the executive coaching], it’s been an absolute pleasure and I feel I’ve really grown throughout the process - Brody Sewell, Western Australia Regional Manager, Cooper Fluid Systems

The neurotransmitters in my brain have been firing like Sydney Harbour on NYE  ever since your [feedback] consultation, so thank you  for your time the other week!! - Joanne Capp, National Key Account Manager, Bunzl Outsourcing Services

Thanks Mark, it was a most worthwhile session, I will get on to these links - Mark Phelan, Sales Director, Bunzl Outsourcing Services

Just a quick email to say thank you for your time on Friday it is always a pleasure to meet with you. I have found our 3 meetings to be most beneficial for myself both on a work front and personal front.
I have looked at my spiritual card to day and will be sure to ask those type of questions moving forward 😊
Thank you again Mark for the time you spent with me. Many Thanks - Deborah Lee, Regional Manager - Victoria / Tasmania (Healthcare), Bunzl Outsourcing Services

Thanks again for your time and guidance today, and over the past few months. As discussed, my feedback to the leadership development programme that you delivered to the Finance group of Citi Power and Powercor is overall, excellent. It is arguably the best programme that I have participated in….and I have participated in many programmes over my 20 or so years in the workforce. Some of the things that make you programme so beneficial include the tools and models that you provide to help with the practical application of some of the concepts and principles you teach. The course also helped provide a strong insight into my style, motivators and preferences which in turn helped me develop my leadership and interpersonal skills for application in both the work environment, and at home. Thanks again and I look forward to working with you again - Jim Kokkinias, Manager Corporate Risk, Property & Procurement, Citipower-Powercor

Thank you so much for the very interesting, inspiring session - Lakshmi Kumar, Director, The Orchid School

Thank you for your time yesterday it was great to get some advice and feedback from yourself - Laurent Pommey, Executive Chef, Crown Melbourne

Mark is amazing, so lucky to have his help - Lauren Balfour, Bachelor of Applied Science  in Psychology (Honours)

Deeply cynical about the efficacy of executive coaching I quickly came to see the value in what Mark Oliver can offer those who aspire to be better leaders through understanding themselves - Dr David Cox, Senior Lecturer, Macquarie University

Thanks for your session today. I got a lot of good feedback - Ben Brame
Sales Director, Cloud Solutions Group

Thanks Mark it is always ... uplifting to spend time with you - Jarrod Doake, Manager, Corporate Administration, City of Monash

Brilliant, life changing. The flip chart still sits on my desk to remind me to spend time in the whole house - Tammie Huggett-Hensley, Branch Manager, Konnect Fastening Systems

I wanted to share a personal anecdote I have in the area of coaching from the last month. My son's basketball team was bottom of the ladder losing every match by a considerable amount. They had played about 5 times and the existing coach went on holidays for a week and asked me to take over.
The team was due to play the top team and we had an undermanned group (the basketball season started early this year to make up for lost Covid time so it clashed with holidays when some were away).
So I took over coaching and decided that I wasn't going to issue any instructions at all, I was just going to ask questions of them. I used the principle of 'coaching' as has been reinforced to us in the leadership training. This worked well, they are of an age ~15yrs old where most of them know more about basketball than me. They quickly responded and said things like, I don't think we're playing the right formation, we need to play 5 out in offense, and in defence switch between man-on-man and zone. Each break I had more questions, and they gave more answers. We ended up losing the game against the top team by 2 points in the dying seconds - a completely different team performance! People think I'm a god at coaching now, and I'm about to have a conversation with the existing coach and break his illusions about my god-like powers! - Hayden Marcollo, Director, AMOG Consulting

It was a lot of fun to do the course, I really feel like I got a lot out of it! Thanks again for all that you did! - Ethan Ford, Senior Teacher, Bentleigh West Primary School

Thanks for your email and the information you sent following the course.  I found the course more helpful than I thought it would be - Simon Benjamin, CEO, Lighthouse Foundation

Thank you for…Tuesday…the feedback was really positive and has got the group thinking - Shane Thomas, Group Manager Learning and Development, Crown Resorts

Thanks again for the session yesterday, I really did enjoy it - Kim Stirling, L&D Coordinator, Crown Melbourne

Great session...much appreciated - Malcolm Bailey, Regional General Manager, Bunzl Outsourcing Services

Thank you for the information attached and of course the feedback session - Jeremy Sargeant, Managing Director, Bunzl Safety

I really appreciate the feedback you have provided and really learned a lot on Friday - Daniel Jenner, Operations Manager, Bunzl Food Processor Supplies

Congrats Mark on 12 years of MarkTwo. It's a great business and the things I learnt there when I worked at Powercor, have certainly put me in good stead in many situations at work and whilst job hunting of late. Cheers - Julie Kernich, Senior Accountant, Yooralla

I have a personal Testimonial around the PORT Strategy. I have broken my strategic plan into a series of PORT tasks and it works so well. I write each of the areas that need to be implemented and my intellectuals and physicals put it into order and get to work. We also constructed a Evaluation Report writing team using the rooms. We used the spirituals to set the broad terms of reference with ideas for what the report would hit on. The intellectuals then tightened this up and brought order to the report and then the physicals finished the report and looked after all the fonts and editing. The emotional side of us all made sure there was plenty of coffee and cake for the team - Steven Capp, Principal Bentleigh West Primary School

Thanks Mark for the additional feedback...Appreciate the time and insights you provided in our one-on-one last week. Many thanks - Shawn Mukherje, Legal Counsel, Sydney Ports Corporation

Mark, good evening. I know is a bit late, I just wanted to share with you a few points: One...
Two, on the train I started working on the list and it is starting to make sense.
Three, and this is huge! ... seeing myself starting a new chapter, full of possibilities, full of challenges and learning, wow, what can I say!... So a Big Thank you" - Leticia Rodriguez, Revenue Officer, Finance Department, Sydney Ports Corporation

I am getting a great deal out our [coaching] sessions and I am enjoying them immensely - Greg Matheson, Marketing Manager, McCain Foods

Typical Executive Coaching Results

MarkTwo coached the director of sales of an information technology company for 3 years and during this time he grew the business 1200% (increasing annual sales from $5m to $60m), and commented that this coaching helped him significantly in doing so. In one session alone an idea was formulated which was calculated to save the business about $1.2m year on year, yet it could be implemented within a fortnight. The savings would also increase as the company increased its head count. The coaching was so effective that he has continued it since moving to another company as Managing Director.

UHM Advanced Feedback and Mentoring

I had initial skepticism as to whether the UHM questions could provide any meaningful outcomes, but to my great surprise it was so horrifically accurate in identifying my main traits as well as offering guidance in personal development. Having attended a number of such management courses previously let me say your course is the only one that ties the key concepts in any intuitive and meaningful manner… l am confident of achieving better outcomes having been exposed to your philosophies and unique concepts. I should have done this [the UHM] 20 years ago as it is spot on - Peter Earle Grad Dip [OHM], CPMSIA, RSP - Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator, Monash City Council

It was indeed an excellent session. As I shared with you I find the tool [UHM Report] very accurate and I believe will help me in self-development...I appreciate your help - Rajeshwar Tripathi, Chief People Officer, Mahindra & Mahindra-Automotive & Farm Equipment Sectors

Thanks for your time and the feedback – feel I learnt a lot about myself through the process and appreciate the tools -
Nick Payne, National Business Development Manager - Packaging, Bunzl Food Processor Supplies

Thanks Mark, I found the session highly valuable. Thanks again - Daryl Bruce, Electronic Table Games Product Manager, Crown Melbourne 

Getting insights into the deeper spiritual preferences of a human being is an extremely difficult task, Mark's UHM provides a mirror, that begins as a reflection tool at first, slowly & brilliantly evolving into a very practical action agenda to reach a state of enhanced self-awareness - Jayant Kumar Racherla, L&D Specialist, Tata Projects

This is a Personality Questionnaire that goes to the core of who we are - Roz Merry, Freelife Marketing Executive

I watched your presentation about different types of intelligence, and was blown away by the valuable information you shared - Ulyana Yunitskaya, Australian Winner of the KPMG Ideation Challenge 2020

I was blown away by [the questionnaire's] accuracy and cannot recommend highly enough having a go at this personality questionnaire - Sally Philips, Mother and London Tourist Guide

[UHM} one of the more valuable tools anyone could use to pursue this self-awareness - Tang Li Chow, HR Manager, Philips International

Mark, thank you for the Pario feedback. Good tangible improvements that I can and will make. It's given me definition around some things that I had some self awareness about but could not articulate to myself in order to address them. You have given me a great game plan and tools to better myself. Thank you - Paul Missen, GM Sales, Total Oil

Time flew by and I had no idea 90 minutes had passed - thank you so much. I found it incredibly valuable and spook-ily accurate.  Our session has left me with some tangible actions along with thought provoking points about development areas - fantastic really! Many thanks - Prag Bhatia, Host of Pragati Television

It [the UHM] taps into a deeper understanding of my own motivation and beliefs than the typical 'trait-based' personality instrument - Li-Ai Lim, Mind Consulting Services

The accuracy is extraordinary [of the UHM professional mentoring] - Gordon Shinnie, Procurement & Operations Manager, Citipower-Powercor

Thanks for the [feedback] session the other day, I found it very useful - Tony Tonkin, EIS Transition Lead, Enterprise & Services, IT, Telstra Operations

I found the time [on UHM feedback] very helpful – Denis Rasidovski, Technical Director, Cloud Solutions

Many thanks Mark. It was a fantastic session [UHM Feedback] and has given me a fresh focus and perspective. How I translate this understanding into effectively shaping my career will be something I work on! – Michelle Ho, Adviser, Table Games Product & Strategy, Crown Melbourne

[The accuracy of the UHM] seems pretty good . Almost scary...very original - Jerry Presnell, Suncorp Metway